Friday, December 31, 2021

December 127 Day - deadline is in one week

Happy New Year!

This is just a quick reminder that the deadline to submit 127-format photos you made on December 7, 2021 to the 127 Day Exhibition is in one week, Friday, January 7, 2022.

If you've already submitted, thank you!

If you haven't, and you have 127-format photos from that day, I hope you'll consider sending one.

I'm looking forward to seeing your 127 Day photos!

Monday, December 27, 2021

One month till 127 Day!

The next 127 Day is just one month away - on  Thursday, January 27, 2022. This would be a good time to make sure your 127-format camera is working and you have the film you need.

127 Film Photography will feature 127-format photographs made on January 27, 2022, in a special online exhibition. You're invited to participate!

No fees, no competition, just a friendly virtual community joining together to make 127-format photos on
January 27, 2022.

To show your work,

  1. Take 127-format photographs on January 27, 2022.
  2. Send one of your 127-format photographs that you took on January 27 to 127 Film Photography. Please email one jpg file, 500 pixels wide, to 127filmformat ~at~, by February 27, 2022. (This allows a month to get your film developed and scanned).
  3. In the subject line of your email, type "January 2022 127 Day."
  4. In the body of the email, please include the following information: copyright symbol, your name, the title of the photograph, location, camera and film types, and your website address (or other link to your work). In that order. Please follow this example EXACTLY (you don't have to use initials if you prefer to be known by your full name!). If you want to direct people to an Instagram page, please use the URL for the page, not an "@" handle (which will not work as a link). 
©J. M. Golding, untitled; northern California, USA; Yashica 44A, ReraChrome 100 (expired 12/19)
All types of 127 film format* are welcome, whether the film began its existence as 127, or you used 35 mm film in a 127 camera, or you respooled 46mm film, or you cut down 120 film to 127 size ... or maybe you have a technique that I don't know about yet - if so, please tell me so I can share it with others who love this format (with full credit to you, of course - or perhaps you'd like to write an article for 127 Film Photography about it!). Photos made on 127 film in a different size camera are welcome too.
127 Film Photography will publish all photos received (as long as they are in 127 format and do not contain images of nudity, violence, or exploitation).

I look forward to seeing your 127 Day photos! 


Monday, December 6, 2021

Tomorrow is 127 Day - December 7, 2021

Tomorrow, Tuesday, December 7, 2021, is 127 Day!

127 Film Photography will feature 127-format photographs made on December 7, 2021, in a special online exhibition. You're invited to participate!

No fees, no competition, just a friendly virtual community joining together to make 127-format photos on
December 7, 2021.

To show your work,

  1. Take 127-format photographs on  the December 7, 2021.
  2. Send one of your 127-format photographs from the December 7 to 127 Film Photography. Please email one jpg file, 500 pixels wide, to 127filmformat ~at~, by January 7, 2022. (This allows a month to get your film developed and scanned).
  3. In the subject line of your email, type "December 2021 127 Day."
  4. In the body of the email, please include the copyright symbol, your name, the title of the photograph, location, camera and film types, and your website address (or other link to your work). In that order. Please follow this example EXACTLY (you don't have to use initials if you prefer to be known by your full name!). If you want to direct people to an Instagram page, please use the URL for the page, not an "@" handle (which will not work as a link). 

©J. M. Golding, untitled; northern California, USA; Yashica 44LM, Portra 160NC,

All types of 127 film format* are welcome, whether the film began its existence as 127, or you used 35 mm film in a 127 camera, or you respooled 46mm film, or you cut down 120 film to 127 size ... or maybe you have a technique that I don't know about yet - if so, please tell me so I can share it with others who love this format (with full credit to you, of course - or perhaps you'd like to write an article for 127 Film Photography about it!). Photos made on 127 film in a different size camera are welcome too.

127 Film Photography will publish all photos received (as long as they are in 127 format and do not contain images of nudity, violence, or exploitation).

I look forward to seeing your 127 Day photos! 


Good light and happy photographing!

*Sorry, digital photos in an aspect ratio similar to 127 film (or any other digital photos) do NOT qualify.

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

One week till 127 Day - December 7, 2021

127 Day is only a week away - Tuesday, December 7, 2021. It's time to take your film out of your fridge and load your 127-format camera.

127 Film Photography will feature 127-format photographs made on December 7, 2021, in a special online exhibition. You're invited to participate!

No fees, no competition, just a friendly virtual community joining together to make 127-format photos on
December 7, 2021.

To show your work,

  1. Take 127-format photographs on  the December 7, 2021.
  2. Send one of your 127-format photographs from the December 7 to 127 Film Photography. Please email one jpg file, 500 pixels wide, to 127filmformat ~at~, by January 7, 2022. (This allows a month to get your film developed and scanned).
  3. In the subject line of your email, type "December 2021 127 Day."
  4. In the body of the email, please include the copyright symbol, your name, the title of the photograph, location, camera and film types, and your website address (or other link to your work). In that order. Please follow this example EXACTLY (you don't have to use initials if you prefer to be known by your full name!). If you want to direct people to an Instagram page, please use the URL for the page, not an "@" handle (which will not work as a link). 

©J. M. Golding, untitled; northern California, USA; Yashica 44A, Panchromatic Black and White, “Made in Germany” (likely Agfa) mystery film,


All types of 127 film format* are welcome, whether the film began its existence as 127, or you used 35 mm film in a 127 camera, or you respooled 46mm film, or you cut down 120 film to 127 size ... or maybe you have a technique that I don't know about yet - if so, please tell me so I can share it with others who love this format (with full credit to you, of course - or perhaps you'd like to write an article for 127 Film Photography about it!). Photos made on 127 film in a different size camera are welcome too.

127 Film Photography will publish all photos received (as long as they are in 127 format and do not contain images of nudity, violence, or exploitation).

I look forward to seeing your 127 Day photos! 
Good light and happy photographing!

*Sorry, digital photos in an aspect ratio similar to 127 film (or any other digital photos) do NOT qualify.


Sunday, November 7, 2021

One month till 127 Day - December 7, 2021

127 Day is just one month away - on  Tuesday, December 7, 2021. This would be a good time to make sure your 127-format camera is working and you have the film you need.

127 Film Photography will feature 127-format photographs made on December 7, 2021, in a special online exhibition. You're invited to participate!

No fees, no competition, just a friendly virtual community joining together to make 127-format photos on
December 7, 2021.

To show your work,

  1. Take 127-format photographs on  the December 7, 2021.
  2. Send one of your 127-format photographs from the December 7 to 127 Film Photography. Please email one jpg file, 500 pixels wide, to 127filmformat ~at~, by January 7, 2022. (This allows a month to get your film developed and scanned).
  3. In the subject line of your email, type "December 2021 127 Day."
  4. In the body of the email, please include the copyright symbol, your name, the title of the photograph, location, camera and film types, and your website address (or other link to your work). In that order. Please follow this example EXACTLY (you don't have to use initials if you prefer to be known by your full name!). If you want to direct people to an Instagram page, please use the URL for the page, not an "@" handle (which will not work as a link). 
©J. M. Golding, untitled; northern California, USA; Yashica 44LM, Portra 160NC,

All types of 127 film format* are welcome, whether the film began its existence as 127, or you used 35 mm film in a 127 camera, or you respooled 46mm film, or you cut down 120 film to 127 size ... or maybe you have a technique that I don't know about yet - if so, please tell me so I can share it with others who love this format (with full credit to you, of course - or perhaps you'd like to write an article for 127 Film Photography about it!). Photos made on 127 film in a different size camera are welcome too.
127 Film Photography will publish all photos received (as long as they are in 127 format and do not contain images of nudity, violence, or exploitation).

I look forward to seeing your 127 Day photos! 


Good light and happy photographing!

*Sorry, digital photos in an aspect ratio similar to 127 film (or any other digital photos) do NOT qualify.

Friday, September 10, 2021

Last chance for bulk 127 film this year

Many readers of this blog will be familiar with Ilford's annual Ultra Large Format (ULF) production. Some of the films they make can only be ordered once a year, and they only make them if they receive enough orders.

One of these is bulk (50') rolls of 46mm HP5+, which you can respool onto 127 backing paper. I just heard that Ilford doesn't have enough orders for this film to produce it this year.

Freestyle Photo still appears to be accepting orders, but this could end at any time. The relevant page is here.

I hope this information is helpful to you.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

127 Day Exhibition - the 12th of July, 2021

Welcome to the 127 Day online exhibition for the 12th of July, 2021! A record 29 artists in eight countries across four continents joined together virtually on the 12th of July, 2021, using 127-format analogue media, to make these photographs. I encourage you to page down to see the wonderful variety of individual styles, subject matter, cameras, and films.

If you photograph on film or other analogue media in 127 film format, you're invited to join us for the next 127 Day on the December 7, 2021.

©2021 Dave Hughes, High Hopes!; Kedleston Hall, Derbyshire, UK; Yashica 44, Kodak Verichrome Pan (expired 1976) 

©2021 Jon Marmor, This is the Life; Seattle, Washington, USA; Kodak Baby Brownie Special, Rerapan 400

©2021 Terry Byrne, Sidewalk Picasso; Hopewell, New Jersey, USA; Primo Jr. camera, Ilford HP5

©2021 B.Davey, LET'S STOP AT THE DELI; Northern California, USA; Yashica 44, Efke100 (expired 8/98)
©2021 Steven Lederman, '54 DQ; Port Colborne, Ontario, Canada; Voigtlander Stereflektoskop from 1914 with (light leaky?) 3rd party 127 film back, left image only, expired 46mm bulk Ektachrome 

©2021 Mike MaguireValero; Washington, DC, USA; Yashica 44, ReraPan 100

©2021 Bear Brown, Rest Area Snacks on lock down; South Carolina, USA; Rollei 4x4, ORWO NP 27 expired 8/83
©2021 Jim Grey, You Deserve A Break Today; Whitestown, Indiana, USA; Kodak Brownie Starmatic, Kodak Kodacolor-X (expired 1/66, developed as black and white)
©2021 James Tappin,In with the old & out with the new;  Oxfordshire England; Yashica 44, Kodacolor 200 (expired 1996)
©2021 Mike Hessey, Priory Hall; Dudley, England; Rolleiflex Grey Baby, Portra 400
©2021 Dale Willetts, A place to rest; Claines, Worcester, UK; Ferrania Ibis 34, Lomography cn100 (stand developed in Bellini C41 chems for one hour)

©2021 John Lindell, Winter rest; Belconnen ACT, Australia; Kodak Bullet, Rerapan 400

 ©2021 K. Kawasaki,Kannon; Kamakura City, Japan; Rolleiflex 44; Rerapan400
©2021 Michael C. Durling, Interpreter, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA; Brownie Holiday Camera Ilford Ortho Plus

©2021 Ph. Ostertag, Chromed Iron Ball in the middle of Geneva city; Geneva, Switzerland; Kodak Brownie Starflex, Kodak Verichrome Pan (expired 7/79)

©2021 S. Blanks, Bottles; Halifax, NS, Canada; Baby Rolleiflex, Rerachrome

©️2021  Charles Katz, Jr.; Summer, Palo Alto, CA, USA; Rolleiflex 4x4; Kodak Portra 160

©2021 Mika Morizaki, early afternoon; Kanagawa, Japan; Rolleiflex 4x4 (type411), Rerapan100S

©2021 Eben Ostby, Eastern Fabrication; Virginia, USA; Beacon Whitehouse II with flipped lens, Ilford HP5+ (46mm) 

©2021 Doug Hollaway, Topper; Hesperia, California, USA; Certo Dolly Vest Pocket, Kodak Verichrome Pan (expired 06/78)
©2021 Peter de Graaff, Rough outlook at the gravel loader; Bass Point, NSW, Australia; Baby Box Eho, Rerapan 100 
©2021 Roderick Usher, Sparkles; Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy; Ferrania Euralux 34, 3M ColorPrint II (expired 1981)
©2021 Saku Tiihonen, The Pointer; Tampere, Finland; Kodak Brownie 127 (1st model), Kodak Eastman 5399 VN (badly expired in the 90's)
©2021 David Long, Trent & Mersey Canal; Burton upon Trent, England; Yashica 44 original, Lomo Potsdam 100 (cut down with the Camerhack system)

©︎Yoshinobu Imaoka, In a quiet dream leading up to tomorrow; Okayama, Japan; Hermagis L'hermo Pochette 3x4, Arista Edu Ultra 200
©2021 Nigel Middleton, ... just science and maths? ; Northamptonshire, UK; Kodak Brownie 127 pinhole, Kentmere Pan 100 35mm 

©2021 Jodi Benaroch, untitled; Atlanta, GA, USA; Kodak Brownie Starmeter, Lomography Color Negative 100 film (120 cut down to 127)

©2021 Kenneth Loen, Selvedge; Mercer Island, Washington, USA; 1961 Yashica 44LM, Efke R100 (expired 2013)
©2021 J. M. Golding, Tangles; northern California, USA; Yashica 44LM, Rerapan 100 (expired 11/20)



Wednesday, August 11, 2021

July 127 Day - deadline is tomorrow

Just a quick reminder that the deadline to submit 127-format photos you made on the 12th of July, 2021 to the 127 Day Exhibition is tomorrow, Thursday, August 12.

If you've already submitted, thank you!

If you haven't, and you have 127-format photos from that day, I hope you'll consider sending one.

I'm looking forward to seeing your 127 Day photos!

Thursday, August 5, 2021

July 127 Day - deadline is in one week

Just a quick reminder that the deadline to submit 127-format photos you made on the 12th of July, 2021 to the 127 Day Exhibition is in one week, Thursday, August 12.

If you've already submitted, thank you!

If you haven't, and you have 127-format photos from that day, I hope you'll consider sending one.

I'm looking forward to seeing your 127 Day photos!

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Tomorrow is 127 Day!

Tomorrow, Monday, the 12th of July, 2021, is 127 Day!

127 Film Photography will feature 127-format photographs made on the 12th of July, 2021, in a special online exhibition. You're invited to participate!

No fees, no competition, just a friendly virtual community joining together to make 127-format photos on 
the 12th of July, 2021.

To show your work,

  1. Take 127-format photographs on the 12th of July, 2021.
  2. Send one of your 127-format photographs taken on January 27, 2021 to 127 Film Photography. Please email one jpg file, 500 pixels wide, to 127filmformat ~at~, by August 12, 2021. (This allows a month to get your film developed and scanned).
  3. In the subject line of your email, type "July 2021 127 Day."
  4. In the body of the email, please include the copyright symbol, your name, the title of the photograph, location, camera and film types, and your website address (or other link to your work). In that order. Please follow this example EXACTLY (you don't have to use initials if you prefer to be known by your full name!). If you want to direct people to an Instagram page, please use the URL for the page, NOT an "@" handle (which will not work as a link). 

©J. M. Golding, Discovery of dialogue/dialogue of discovery; northern California, USA; Kodak Brownie Fiesta, Kodak Verichrome Pan expired 3/60,

All types of 127 film format* are welcome, whether the film began its existence as 127, or you used 35 mm film in a 127 camera, or you respooled 46mm film, or you cut down 120 film to 127 size ... or maybe you have a technique that I don't know about yet - if so, please tell me so I can share it with others who love this format (with full credit to you, of course - or perhaps you'd like to write an article for 127 Film Photography about it!). Photos made on 127 film in a different size camera are welcome too.

127 Film Photography will publish all photos received (as long as they are in 127 format and do not contain images of nudity, violence, or exploitation).

I look forward to seeing your 127 Day photos! 


Good light and happy photographing!

*Sorry, digital photos in an aspect ratio similar to 127 film (or any other digital photos) do NOT qualify.


Monday, July 5, 2021

One week till 127 Day!

127 Day is only a week away - Monday, the 12th of July, 2021. It's time to take your film out of your fridge and load your 127-format camera.

127 Film Photography will feature 127-format photographs made on the 12th of July, 2021, in a special online exhibition. You're invited to participate!

No fees, no competition, just a friendly virtual community joining together to make 127-format photos on 
the 12th of July, 2021.

To show your work,

  1. Take 127-format photographs on the 12th of July, 2021.
  2. Send one of your 127-format photographs from the 12th of July, 2021 to 127 Film Photography. Please email one jpg file, 500 pixels wide, to 127filmformat ~at~, by August 12, 2021. (This allows a month to get your film developed and scanned).
  3. In the subject line of your email, type "July 2021 127 Day."
  4. In the body of the email, please include the copyright symbol, your name, the title of the photograph, location, camera and film types, and your website address (or other link to your work). In that order. Please follow this example EXACTLY (you don't have to use initials if you prefer to be known by your full name!). If you want to direct people to an Instagram page, please use the URL for the page, NOT an "@" handle (which will not work as a link). 

©J. M. Golding, untitled; northern California, USA; Kodak Brownie Fiesta, Rerapan 400,


All types of 127 film format* are welcome, whether the film began its existence as 127, or you used 35 mm film in a 127 camera, or you respooled 46mm film, or you cut down 120 film to 127 size ... or maybe you have a technique that I don't know about yet - if so, please tell me so I can share it with others who love this format (with full credit to you, of course - or perhaps you'd like to write an article for 127 Film Photography about it!). Photos made on 127 film in a different size camera are welcome too.

127 Film Photography will publish all photos received (as long as they are in 127 format and do not contain images of nudity, violence, or exploitation).

I look forward to seeing your 127 Day photos! 


Good light and happy photographing!

*Sorry, digital photos in an aspect ratio similar to 127 film (or any other digital photos) do NOT qualify.

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Less than a month till July 127 Day!

127 Day is just under one month away - on  Monday, the 12th of July, 2021. This would be a good time to make sure your 127-format camera is working and you have the film you need.

127 Film Photography will feature 127-format photographs made on the 12th of July, 2021, in a special online exhibition. You're invited to participate!

No fees, no competition, just a friendly virtual community joining together to make 127-format photos on
the 12th of July, 2021.

To show your work,

  1. Take 127-format photographs on the 12th of July, 2021.
  2. Send one of your 127-format photographs from the 12th of July  to 127 Film Photography. Please email one jpg file, 500 pixels wide, to 127filmformat ~at~, by August 12, 2021. (This allows a month to get your film developed and scanned).
  3. In the subject line of your email, type "July 2021 127 Day."
  4. In the body of the email, please include the copyright symbol, your name, the title of the photograph, location, camera and film types, and your website address (or other link to your work). In that order. Please follow this example EXACTLY (you don't have to use initials if you prefer to be known by your full name!). If you want to direct people to an Instagram page, please use the URL for the page, NOT an "@" handle (which will not work as a link).   

©J. M. Golding, untitled; northern California, USA; Yogi Bear, Rerapan 100,

All types of 127 film format* are welcome, whether the film began its existence as 127, or you used 35 mm film in a 127 camera, or you respooled 46mm film, or you cut down 120 film to 127 size ... or maybe you have a technique that I don't know about yet - if so, please tell me so I can share it with others who love this format (with full credit to you, of course - or perhaps you'd like to write an article for 127 Film Photography about it!). Photos made on 127 film in a different size camera are welcome too.

127 Film Photography will publish all photos received (as long as they are in 127 format and do not contain images of nudity, violence, or exploitation).

I look forward to seeing your 127 Day photos! 


Good light and happy photographing!

*Sorry, digital photos in an aspect ratio similar to 127 film (or any other digital photos) do NOT qualify.


Saturday, March 13, 2021

Film Ferrania announces their intention to produce 127 film

As reported by Kosmo Foto, Film Ferrania cofounder Nicola Baldini indicated, in a response to a March 6 post on the Facebook 127 Film Shooters Group that the company intends to begin production of 127 film!

In a July 7, 2020 blog post, Film Ferrania announced that their P30 film was in production in 120 format.

In 2015, Ferrania spokesperson Dave Bias indicated that the company has "the capability (machines and knowledge) to produce 127 film”, which he described as "high on the 'wish list'.” In the March 6 Facebook post, Baldini said, "127 is the little brother of 120 and as soon we finished to setup of our internal 120 converting line jumping to 127 will be much easier.

Many thanks to Charles J. Katz, Jr. for alerting me to this exciting news!

The Facebook 127 Film Shooters Group is run by Cheyenne Morrison.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Masked Up by Jonathan Marmor

 ©Jonathan Marmor, Masked Up; Seattle, Washington, USA; Kodak Baby Brownie Special, ReraChrome 100

Thursday, March 4, 2021

127 Day Exhibition - January 27, 2021

Welcome to the 127 Day online exhibition for January 27, 2021! Despite continued unprecedented worldwide trauma, 21 intrepid souls across four continents joined together virtually on January 27, 2021, using 127-format analogue media, to make these photographs. I encourage you to page down to see the wonderful variety of individual styles, subject matter, cameras, and films.

If you photograph on film or other analogue media in 127 film format, you're invited to join us for the next 127 Day on the 12th of July, 2021.


 ©2021 Slim Blanks, untitled; Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada; Automatic Rolleiflex 4x4 (Gray Baby), Kodacolor X (expired 3/57, the same year as the camera)
©2021 Terry Byrne, Rug; Princeton New Jersey, USA; Primo Jr, Agfa XPS 160

 ©2021 Bear Brown, Rainy Day; Bloomingdale, Georgia, USA; Rollei 4x4, Lomography 100
©2021 Kelvin E., My son and his grandparents; Bangkok, Thailand; Sawyer's Mark IV, Agfa Portrait XPS 160 46mm NP bulk film (expired 08/98)

©2021 Saku Tiihonen, Multiply by Shadow; Tampere, Finland; Kodak Brownie 127 (1st model), Ilford HP5+ (35mm)
©2021 Mike Hessey, Steam scene; Dudley UK; Grey Baby Rollei, Fujicolor 400H
©2021 Eric Bergstrom, Locomotive 1223; missing information; 1915 Kodak Vest Pocket Model A, Ilford FP4

©2021 Lee Mountford, Classic with a Classic; Phillip Island, Victoria, Australia; Yashica 44, Kodacolor Gold 200 (Expired 10/92)
©2021 David Long, Grocery store, on reflection...; Burton Upon Trent, England, UK; Yashica 44, Ilford HP5+
©2021 Michael C. Durling; untitled; Toano, Virginia USA; Yashica 44A, Foma 100 

©2021 Lionel Bouchpan-Lerust-Juéry, Timeless Windmill; Wassenaar, Netherlands; Yashica 44LM, Rerapan 400
©2021 B. Davey, DEAD END DRIVE AISLE; northern California, USA; Rolleiflex Grey Baby, Efke  R100 (expired 9/98)

©2021 Eben Ostby, Utilities; Rockbridge County, Virginia, USA; Whitehouse Beacon II, Kodak Portra (46mm respooled) 

©2021 S.W. Lederman, A Giant Toonie In The Boonies; Campbellford, Ontario, Canada; Baby Rolleidoscop, expired bulk 46mm Ektachrome

©2021 Dale Willetts, Who’s watching who ?; Walsall, UK; Kodak No.0 Brownie, Ilford FP4+
©2021 Jodi Benaroch, 2 Points; Atlanta, GA, USA; Kodak Brownie Starmatic, Kodak Kodacolor II (expired July 1976)
©︎2021 Yoshinobu Imaoka, Arrive without travelling!; Okayama, Japan; Bencini Comet S, Lomography Earl Grey 100

©2021 Mike Maguire, The Potomac; Maryland, USA; Detrola KW, Kodak Tri-X 400 (expired 3/77)
 ©2021 Dave Hughes, Frame Up; Markeaton Park, Derby, UK; Original Baby Rolleiflex, 35mm FP4 taped to 127 backing paper
©2021 Charles Katz, Jr., Majestic Oak; Palo Alto, CA, USA; Rolleiflex 4x4, Ilford FP4+
©2021 J. M. Golding, untitled; northern California, USA; Yashica 44A, Kodak Portra 160NC (46mm respooled)