Friday, September 13, 2024

127 Day Exhibition - the 12th of July, 2024

Welcome to the 127 Day online exhibition for the 12th of July, 2024!

Twenty-four artists in eight countries across three continents joined together virtually on the 12th of July, 2024, using 127-format analogue media, to make these photographs. I encourage you to page down to see the wonderful variety and creativity of the work.

If you photograph on film or other analogue media in 127 film format, you're invited to join us for the next 127 Day, on the December 7, 2024.
© 2024 sonny rosenberg, Miro's Windows, Reno, NV, USA; Ica Icarette Model 488, Kodak Verichrome Pan
©️ 2024 Art Whitaker, Untitled, Leicester, UK; Kodak Brownie last model, Efke 100 expired 2009
© 2024 Salvador Busquets, Sant Oleguer; Sabadell, Catalonia; Kodak Vest Pocket, Ilford HP5+ 400
© 2024 Brian Bednarek, White Rose; Roselle, USA; Yashica 44A, Rera Pan 100
© 2024 B. Davey, Sutter Theater, No. California, USA; Primo-Jr, Agfa Portrait 160 46mm (expired 2001)
© 2024 John Alton, El Mocambo; Toronto, Ontario; V.P. Twin Pocket Camera;  Kodak Gold 200 (expired 1995)
©2024 Kawasaki Kazuyoshi, "Conflict”, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan; ROLLEIFLEX 4x4, ReraPan 200
© 2024 Kenneth Loen, untitled; Mercer Island, WA, USA; Yashica 44LM, Rollei Crossbird 200
© 2024, Steven Lederman, “Ford Blue”; Toronto Canada; Zeiss Baby Box Tengor, Rera Pan 100s (expired and badly damaged)

©2024, Jodi Benaroch, Untitled; Atlanta, GA, USA; Kodak Brownie 127 with lens flipped, Kentmere VC Select paper
 ©2024 Jim Grey, Detour Ahead, Zionsville Indiana, USA; Kodak Brownie Starmatic, Rera Pan 400 

© 2024 Joel Mach, Train Tracks; Arizona, USA; Brownie Holiday, Rerapan 400 

©2024 E.J.J. Boon, roped; Broekerhaven, Nederland;Primo JR TLR; Kodak Tmax 400 (expired 03/2007)  
© 2024 Eben Ostby, Isopods; Lexington, Virginia, USA; Whitehouse Beacon II, Kodak Tri-X Aero (1958)

©2024 Terry Byrne, "Mannequin", Princeton New Jersey, USA; Topcon Primo Jr,, Efke 100
©2024 Michael C. Durling, Louie; Norge, Virginia, USA; Yashica 44a, Ilford HP5+
©︎2024 Mika.Morizaki, It's still a ways off, Kanagawa, Japan, Primo Jr., Rerapan 200
©2024 Charles J. Katz, Jr.; untitled; Glacier Bay, Alaska, USA; Kochmann Korelle; Portra 160

© 2024 Hans Bally, 127 Dreams; Västra Götaland County, Sweden; Kodak Brownie 44A, Shanghai GP3 100 127
© 2024 Saku Tiihonen, Summer's Eye; Tampere, Finland; Debonair 127, Kentmere Pan 400 (cut from 120) 
©️ 2024 Eric the Red, "Tunnel under the Sky"; Wichita, Great Plains Nature Center, Kansas, USA; Kodak Brownie Fiesta. Bluefire Murano 160, expired 2022

©︎2024 Yoshinobu IMAOKA,  The courage to live in chaos;  Okayama, Japan;  PRIMO-JR; Lomography Earl Grey 100 

©︎2024 Dave Hg Dave Hughes, Lingering Poppy; Derby, UK;Yashica 44LM, HP5 46mm reused Kodak backing paper

©︎2024 J. M. Golding, Sunflowerland; northern California, USA; Yogi Bear, Efke R100 (expired 2014)


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