Sunday, August 13, 2017

127 Day Online Exhibition - 12 July, 2017

Welcome to 127 Film Photography's 127 Day online exhibition! The images below were created by artists across three continents, all photographing in 127 format on July 12, 2017.

Join us for the next 127 Day, on the December 7, 2017! If you'd like to be reminded of 127 Day and the submission deadline, please use the "Follow 127 Film Photography by email" link to the right. You'll receive not only reminders, but also posts about all things 127.

©2017 Chuck Baker, Bridge Over The Waal; Nijmegen, The Netherlands; Orion "Super 16"; Rollei IR400 infrared film (respooled 35mm)

©2017  Terry Byrne, Waiting Room; West Trenton, New Jersey, United States; Toko Primo Jr.; Ilford HP5+

©2017 Robert Schneider, treet ridge C ter; Alameda, California, United States; Metropolitan Industries Clix-O-Flex; Ilford HP5+ 

©2017 Eben Ostby, Angel; Berkeley, California, United States; Kodak Baby Brownie with flipped lens; GAF All-Weather Pan, expired 1968

© 2017 James Tappin, Satellite Antenna, RAL Harwell Campus, Oxon, United Kingdom; Yashica 44; Fujicolor 400 film (expired 2000, 120 film cut to 127, exposed at ISO 160) 

©2017 Mike Maguire, Life force, Washington, DC, United States; Yashica 44; Kawauso-shoten ReraPan

©2017 Mika Morizaki, cat's tail, Kanagawa, Japan,  Rolleiflex 4x4; Kawauso-shoten ReraPan

©2017 J. M. Golding, Dream's edge; northern California, United States; Kodak Brownie Fiesta; Kodak Verichrome Pan expired 1975

Friday, August 11, 2017

Tomorrow is the deadline to submit for the July 127 Day online exhibition

Tomorrow, Saturday, August 12, is the deadline to submit your 127-format photo taken on July 12, 2017. Please remember to email one photo, as described here. Photos will be published in an online exhibition right here at 127 Film Photography.

©2017 J. M. Golding; untitled, northern California, USA; Yashica 44A; Kawauso-shoten ReraPan;

I can't wait to see your 127 Day pictures!

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Remember to send your 127 Day pictures!

I hope everyone had a great 127 Day on the 12th of July!

This is just a reminder that the deadline to submit your 127-format photo taken on July 12, 2017 is this coming Saturday, August 12. Please remember to email one photo, as described here. Photos will be published in an online exhibition right here at 127 Film Photography.

©2017 J. M. Golding; northern California, USA; Yashica 44A; Agfacolor Portrait 160 (expired 12/07);

I'm looking forward to seeing your 127 Day pictures!