I know, I know. We're still in the middle of the holidays. Not to
mention, not even done with December 127 Day (at least, some of us
haven't sent in a 127 photo we took that day).
127 Film Photography will feature 127-format photographs made on January 27, 2019 , in a special exhibition. You're invited to participate!
No fees, no competition, just a friendly virtual community joining together to make 127-format photos on January 27, 2019.
To show your work,
- Take 127-format photographs on January 27, 2019 .
- Send one of your 127-format photographs from January 27 to 127 Film Photography. Please email one jpg file, 500 pixels wide, to 127filmformat ~ at ~ gmail.com, by February 27, 2019. (Hopefully a month will be enough time for everyone to get their film developed and scanned).
- In the subject line of your email, type "January 2019 127 Day."
- In
the body of the email, please include the copyright symbol, your name,
the title of the photograph, location, camera and film types, and your
website address (or other link to your work). In that order. Please
follow this example (you don't have to use initials if you prefer to be known by your full name!):
©J. M. Golding, untitled, northern California, USA, Yashica 44A, HP5+, http://www.jmgolding.com
All types of 127 film format are welcome, whether the film began its existence as 127, or you used 35 mm film in a 127 camera, or you respooled 46mm film, or you cut down 120 film to 127 size ... or maybe you have a technique that I don't know about yet - if so, please tell me so I can share it with others who love this format (with full credit to you, of course - or perhaps you'd like to write a short article for 127 Film Photography about it!). Photos made on 127 film in a different size camera are welcome too.
127 Film Photography will publish all photos received (as long as they are in 127 format and do not contain images of nudity, violence, or exploitation).
I look forward to seeing your 127 Day photos!